Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 29 KAKADU TO KATHERINE Tassie to Darwin

We were up pretty early and packed up ready for a new day. Today we wanted to check out the South Western part of Kakadu so we drove all the way down to the turn to off Gunlom Falls.

As usual it was a corrugated road and eventually turning into a very rough track to get into the camp grounds at Gunlom Falls.

These falls are probably more famous for being in the Original Crocodile Dundee Movie :)
We checked out the camp grounds and thought it would be a great place to stay but for us it was a day visit as we had plans to move on later in the day.

The very spot Hoges goes for a swim in his famous movie :)

The bottom of the falls are really nice and we were going to have a swim but it was still early in the morning and we were not sure if it was croc safe even though others swam in there apparently.

We had lunch at the bottom of the falls picnic area/carpark and filled our bellies for the epic walk to the top of the falls.

After lunch we did exactly that and hiked up to the top of the falls to the infinity swimming hole.

It is such an outstanding place, you swim in the infinity swimming hole that over looks Kakadu and looks down to the swimming hole below...which incidentally you could see the crocs sharing with the other swimmers!

After a nice refreshing swim we hiked back down the track to the bottom.

It was still early enough in the day to head back out and we decided to try and make it back down to Katherine this afternoon.

Not before having to drive through a bush fire out on the highway, which in hindsight was so hot we probably should have pulled up and waited for it to pass, but no harm done.

We made it back to Katherine and now that we are Big 4 members we booked into the same caravan park we stayed at on the way up! It was a no brainer for us really, we knew the place well and loved it.
Our camper was covered in dirt and dust by this stage!

 So we set up, had a swim, had some tea and headed to bed after deciding to have a 'rest' day the following day, which sounds odd considering we are on holidays but the climate is perfect at Katherine and the kids loved the pool so we made no plans to do anything the next day. And besides its a really nice uncrowded camping spot at this Big 4 as you can see in this pic.


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