Wednesday 14 August 2013

Day 40 BALLARAT TO BOAT Tassie to Darwin

Well the time has come to pack up for the final time and head to the boat. We have no real plans today expect to be at the boat by around 5pm so we were in no hurry to leave the cabin.

On the road towards the big smoke.

We stopped at a couple of large shopping centres along the way to fill in time.

And before you know it we are back in the City and head over towards the boat.

We met some friends and had a coffee before boarding the boat which was good, although I was now starting to get the man flu and didnt feel the best. It must have been the swimming in the freezing cold the day before LOL

No photos of our friends regretfully but heres proof...the coffees!

We had quite a wait boarding the boat but was relieved to drive on knowing we had made it! We spent some time on the boat chatting to a Tassie friend and having a few drinks, the sailing was pretty rough but we survived.


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