Saturday 6 July 2013

Day 1 BOAT TRIP Tassie to Darwin

Well after many months of planning and many more of talking about it the day had finally arrived where we were about to embark on a 6 week road trip adventure to Darwin and back.

So many unknowns. Would the kids cope with all the driving, how about setting the camper up so many times or just dealing with not having all the creature comforts of home for so long. No friends to hang out with, no xbox, limited internet coverage, foam mattresses as beds, being around Mum and Dad 24/7....the list was endless let alone would our ageing Patrol and home built camper handle the punishment we have planned?

The list of things that needed to be done or organised only a few short months ago was staggering and to be honest some things just had to be left out due to time and or financial constraints. I mean Id love to have brand new suspension and there is always a list of bolt on goodies that all 4 wheel drivers want but I couldn't do or have everything so we settled for what we could afford and today the 6th of July 2013 we are leaving to travel 11000 klm's on some of Australia's roughest roads/tracks into some remote locations with 3 of our children, ready or not here we come! WOO HOO Yes we are excited :)

I wont go into the preparations or logistics of taking your family on a trip like this too much but its well documented on here that we use a tough as nails Nissan Patrol 4.2l TD as our tug and hopefully a just as tough as nails home built soft floor camper!
We have most mod cons you would want while 'camping', things like hot and cold water, a chemical toilet, shower, queen inner spring bed for mum and dad and foam mattresses for the kids, a LCD TV and antenna, nice kitchen facilities, proper 12v and 240v power you need when remote camping, a 110ltr fridge/freezer, all the storage you would ever need and a well organised crew who can set up and pack up in lightening fast time!
Our limitations are the amount of water we can carry and the amount of food we can carry for 5 people....2 of which are teenage boys who have hollow legs. We are limited to approx 5-7 days at a time before needing to find supplies and top up with water so our trips rough itinerary is loosely based around this.

Ok lets get into it.................

Our itinerary for the first few days involved some big kilometres because we wanted to get out of the cold southern weather and to the centre and top end of Australia as quick as possible to maximise our holiday in the warmer locations, so instead of worrying too much about being in camp early enough to cook we made up a few containers with pre-cooked frozen meals, so after a long day on the road it was quick and easy to eat......clever wife :)

Here we are all packed, shiny and clean at home, ready to drive to the boat.

A nice shot of the snow on the mountains near home on the way to the boat...brrrrrr 

Probably the last photo of our set up all nice and clean before boarding.

And of course the 'boat' shots that you must take ;) 

 Once on the boat it was pretty uneventful, a nice meal which cost us a fortune, a few drinks in the main bar area and then off to our cabin for a bad nights sleep!


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