Friday 26 July 2013

Day 21 LITCHFIELD TO DARWIN Tassie to Darwin

We are up early and packed up. But before we leave we grab a photo of this Patrol hire camper, we have seen these people at several locations and keep photographing them but this time we noticed their bonnet is folded up where they didnt latch it down properly and its flown up at speed and wrapped around the windscreen.....whoops!

Sooo, off we go leaving Litchfield behind, as usual there was probably a bit more to see given the time and energy and it is a place Michelle and I will definitely visit again one day. The crystal clear waters and climate was beautiful.

Not far down the road from camp and on our way out we called in to the Old Bamboo Creek Tin Mine.

The tin mine was really interesting, I love looking at the old machinery and wondering what it would have been like working it all those years ago?

I like to take the roads less travelled as a rule and thats the way we went into Darwin from Litchfield. This poor bugger needs to be a little more careful on these roads!

We arrived at Darwin at around 10:30am and made our way to the Big 4 at Howards Springs. It is a nice caravan park with 3 swimming pools a water park thingy for the kids, and outstanding amenities.

We setup on a nice big site and then went for a swim. Did I mention the climate is perfect?

We then went into Palmerston to check out the shopping centre, grabbed some more groceries and went back to camp for more swimming.

We made Chinese for tea and went to bed after watching some telly ;)

Oh and while I remember, our neighbour was a silly old bugger who had some issues! He was swearing and cursing half the night at the football, the noise of kids playing in the distance and anything else he decided to yell at himself about...this went on every night we were in Darwin!


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