Sunday 21 July 2013


Our holiday is more about the top end for us so while the centre has been fantastic and we could have easily spent far more time in the area, it is now time to push on north to unknown territory for us.

The day started with the free Pancake Breakfast put on by the Big 4. Yummo, if we didnt have to hit the road I think we would still be there trying to break the record ;)

Not long up the road from Alice we arrive at Wycliffe Well the UFO centre of Australia LOL

We got to see the Ghan Train and also grabbed a few pics of the big man at Aileron.

Then not too far up the road we got a call on the UHF to pull over for a large load. Luckily we took it seriously as the load took up the entire highway. It had two trucks joined together to pull the big dumpster. I love this sort of thing :)

And a short time later we arrived at Devils Marbles for a look and to have lunch. We are planning on camping here on the way back so this was just a quick visit to mainly check out the camp grounds, so we only really photographed the camp ground side at this stage.

Anyone thats travelled the Stuart highway knows it is a long, mainly straight section of highway that seemingly goes forever. Every now and then you are reminded it is cattle country when you come across dead cattle who have been hit by trucks or cars. Oh and you also start to see Termite mounds, 1000's of them.

We had planned on staying at Tennant Creek but once again the kilometres are coming easy for us, especially on these big open highways so we pushed on and stayed at Banka Banka Station. And I am happy we did. The couple that run the place are great people who look like genuine Aussie Battlers doing their best to make a living, and going by the amount of grey nomads set up in their caravans Id say during this time of year they are doing quite well out of tourism, the place was packed. 

After we set up we wandered around and grabbed a few pics.

We had showers in what I thought were some of the best amenities we have used yet and after tea took our seats and drinks to the camp fire where one of the travelling grey nomads was providing entertainment for the guests. He sang Elvis songs and this type of thing so we spent most of the time chatting to a couple who gave us some tips for our travels ahead.

Then it was off to bed ready for another days travel tomorrow.


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