Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 20 LITCHFIELD Tassie to Darwin

We pretty much had today only and perhaps tomorrow morning to see the remainder of Litchfield so we were up pretty early and headed straight down to Sandy Creek to check out the camp ground. It was pretty much empty!

But as it turned out the track into the camp ground was a 4wd track and it would have been a pain driving it to see everything else in Litchfield. We didnt bother doing this walk, instead we went to Blyth Homestead for a look.

The track in had a few water crossings but all of them were easy enough.

The road down to surprise creek is currently closed, but there was a nice large termite mound to drive around on the way.

Another couple of water obstacles to push through. If we got stuck Im not sure who would have had winch duty in with the crocs?

After a while you arrive at the Homestead which is really interesting. 

They also have an old tin mine out the back of the homestead.

Back out to the main road then up to Tolmer Falls.

Then along to Tabletop Swamp.

A little way up the road we turned off into the track to Lost City. After a bit of a corrugated track getting in we spent some time walking around this interesting place.

We had lunch at the Lost City before heading back out to the road and up to Buley Rock Hole, where we had a swim with the rest of the tourists.

After that nice swim we popped down the road to Florence Falls. What a spectacular place it is too.

You start out up the top and have to make your way all the way down to the bottom but its worth it.

The unique thing about Florence falls was the huge amount of fish swimming in the water hole with you. 
Yes Sarah they are really that big!

Heres a video taken with Adams iPhone of the fish, truly amazing.

We then went back to camp for lunch. Luke and Sarah are all walked out so they chose to stay at camp while Me, Michelle and Adam went up the road to look at the Cascades.
It was quite a walk in to them, one that Im certain Michelle will never do again LOL

Sitting under the falls was great fun!

Adam and I went for a look up at the higher cascades.

We then went back to camp after another long day having heaps of fun.

Speaking of camp, here is the Safari camp ground.

We played some games that night before heading to bed.


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