Saturday 27 July 2013

Day 22 DARWIN Tassie to Darwin

DARWIN Woo Hoo we finally get to see it for the first time, we are a long way from home!

Today was a nice relaxing day we got up early enough and excitedly headed into Darwin. We spent some time at the tourist info centre and then looking around the water front. There are a lot of burn offs still so the views were disappointingly smoggy.

After looking around Darwin and getting a better idea as to what we want to do while we are up the top end we then went to the military museum.
And of course seeing as Darwin was bombed there is a significant history surrounding the area.

The photos can tell the story rather than me dribble on too much!

The museum is quite comprehensive and you could easily spend half a day or more there if you were inclined. 
We then went to check out the Causurina Shopping Complex as it is the NT's largest shopping centre. We decided to lash out and all bought lunch in the food court.
The place was amazingly busy, people were like sheep.

After walking around behind Michelle and Sarah as they looked at every shop in the place we went back to camp and spent the rest of the day swimming and enjoying the climate.

And this cheeky little fellow spent a fair amount of time at our camp as well.

That was the end of another day in paradise.


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