Thursday 11 July 2013


We didnt need to break any records today because we were only driving down the road to Yulara to spend a few days while exploring Uluru and the Olgas.

But we had our new Emu friend watch over us as we packed up.

Fairly uneventful drive out to Yulara really, we arrived at the resorts campground mid morning.

And proceeded to fully set up our camper for the first time so far this trip on a pre booked site.

Directly behind our camp site was a little sand dune which gave us our first views of the surrounding rocks :) The kids were fascinated with just how red the sand was....they dont call it the red centre for no reason :)

 And on the other side is a walkway to another viewing platform to look out the other side.

 Everyone was 'keen as' to go and have a proper look at the rock so went out and bought our parks pass and went for a quick look.

 We didnt climb the rock because we are all too scared but plenty were so we spent some time watching them.

Tomorrow is our big day at the rock so I dont want to over do it with the photos, but wow its a great thing to photograph.

We went back to into town to grab some groceries then went back to camp for tea and had a pretty noisy night as we could hear a big group of people partying somewhere in the resort most of the night.


  1. having a gander through your blog - looks like i mite have to save a few coins and take my family out on a trip out that way - enjoying the photo's and the read hurry up and post more

  2. having a gander through your blog - looks like i mite have to save a few coins and take my family out on a trip out that way - enjoying the photo's and the read hurry up and post more
