Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 18 KATHERINE Tassie to Darwin

Today is a bit of a rest day or a take it easy day. The climate in this area is perfect. 

We headed out to Katherine Gorge for a look. We decided the cruise for the whole family is a bit expensive for us especially considering they insist on charging our two eldest boys at adult prices. 
Anyway we did the walk up the top instead.

Just quickly while I remember, we went to the tourist information centre when we first arrived at Katherine to find a good place to camp that had swimming near by and preferably near the gorge. We were told there was no swimming near the camp grounds at the gorge, so we decided to stay at the big 4 in town. We gets out to the camp ground at the gorge and not only can you swim in the river but it also has a beautiful big pool in the camp grounds grrrrrrr

Enough belly aching, back to the gorge pics.......

Bats everywhere

And cockatoos'

The gorge was nice. Tassie has some nice gorge's too so not as memorable for some as it may be for others. I do wish we had our kayak with us though.

We returned back to camp and left the kids at the park as thats what they wanted to do and Michelle and I went into town to do some grocery shopping and generally look around the shopping centre.
We decided to grab the kids some hot chips for lunch because they think this is a healthy lunch that we deprive them of! It was a 30 minute wait for them to cook (no one orders $5 worth of hot chips in Katherine).

After lunch we went back to the hot springs, this time drove to them to avoid the long walk. We messed around here for a couple of hours with the under water camera in which we managed to loose a heap of pics in that back up crash I spoke of earlier in the blog.

Not sure what Im doing here....checking my hair?

Does my face look fat in this pic? LOL

We went back to camp and had lamb roast in the webber before heading to bed.


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