Wednesday 24 July 2013


Katherine has a beautiful climate and I am sure we will be back here one day when we visit the Kimberlys but today we were on the road again.

We wanted a pretty early start because we were unsure how many camping places were available at Litchfield National Park. And given that the person at the tourist place in Katherine doesnt have much of an idea we rang the Litchfield Ranger and she told us pretty much opposite to what the tourist info person said and that was that we would need to be there early if we are to get a place where we wanted it.

So, first stop for the day was Edith Falls, just up the road from Katherine. Lots of burning off in the top end at this time of year.

The camp ground here is really nice and worth considering. After looking around the bottom we headed up the top of the falls.

Edith Falls are very nice, we were tempted to go for a swim but it was still pretty early in the day and we had that issue of getting to Litchfield as early as possible. In hindsight we probably should have stayed at Katherine an extra day and come out to Edith as a day trip from Katherine.

So, back out on the highway heading north the scenery is starting to change a little, its getting more tropical looking and there are plenty of things to look at on the way if you have the time.

Before long you turn off the highway towards the National Park.

You go through Bachelor which is Litchfields town if you like, but for us we wanted to stay in the heart of the National Park.

So first stop is the Termite Mounds.

Did I mention the burning off?

We arrived at Wangi Falls which was to be our camp ground but as expected we were too late and it was full. 

We had other options but we wanted to be central to everything so we ended being 'safe' and stayed at the safari camp, which is more like a caravan park. And even then we were lucky to get a spot.
I didnt take any photos of that camp on this day but we set up, had lunch and then went back down the road to Wangi Falls for a swim.

The kids love these underwater to out of water upward panoramas 

Wangi is a little crowded because it is very easily accessible but it is a large swimming hole so its not to bad.
It also has this great little walk that you really have to do to believe how alive the rain forest is.
Here is a short video I took of a pig of all things at the beginning of the walk, you can hear how alive the forest is from here, just imagine what it was like up further once you were right in it.

We then went back to camp and had a barby for tea before playing some card games and then heading to bed.
This fella was keeping an eye out on our barby as it was cooking!


  1. Hi Danny and Family, Great pics am loving being on this journey with you guys. Thanks for sharing. Also if you don't mind, what type of camera are you using? Awesome photos
