Monday 15 July 2013

Day 10 KINGS CANYON Tassie to Darwin

We woke today to our new dingo mate hanging around camp no doubt wondering where our rubbish was. We caught him dragging one of our mats up over a sand dune LOL It wasnt until later we realised he had also taken our little collapsible bucket.

He wasnt really like most of the other dingos we have seen in the wild, we are wondering if he might be a cross breed? But he was a nice fella even if he was a thief and cautious of us.

As the sun rose over the ranges some camels also wandered past camp, which you would expect at this station as I think they farm camels.

After a nice big bacon and egg breaky we drove down to Kings Canyon to do the walks on offer.

The rim walk is amazing but before you can walk around the rim of the canyon you have to walk up what is known as heart attack hill, and yes it was a slog getting up it.

Once up the top the views and scenery is beautiful. Ill try to let the photos do my talking.

Just one thing Ill say before I get into too many pics is that we are starting to notice that it looks like us boys dont change our clothes......I can assure you Michelle washed our clothes every time she was near a washing machine and all us boys change at least our undies once a week regardless if they need changing or not :P

We were trying to get one of those shots that makes Sarah look like she is jumping off the edge but the edge is lost against the back ground and it doesnt work :(

This whole area was once under the ocean and according to scientists these ripples amongst other things prove it

After a short while you then drop down into the canyon to an oasis of water and plant life.

Once your up and on the other side it is again an ever changing scene around every corner.

Photos just dont do the place justice, you have to be here to see it

After about 6-8 kilometers depending what walks you went on the Kings Canyon experience for us is over. Its one of my highlights as it is so interesting and scenic.

We went back to camp where Adam and I had a shower and not until we finished showering did we realise we used the womens shower block LOL We had some strange looks as we walked out, but whoops from now on we double check the signs.

We also made use of the stations free wifi and spent a bit of time catching up with the world. Oh and did I mention how the little calf thinks he is a dog and acts just like all the other station dogs?

We had a nice tea, sat around the fire for a while and tried to take some night time photos then went to bed and watched another movie.

Another great day in paradise and yet another one we will never forget.


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