Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day 25 DARWIN Tassie to Darwin

A bit of a rest day today but Michelle and I still managed to get away in the morning to firstly try and buy a sand flag as we were planning on driving down the side of the Simpson Desert on the way back. 

We also went to the museum and art gallery but couldnt get many pics.  But we did have some of the water front near the museum and the big croc 'sweetheart'.

On the way back to camp we popped into Palmerston for some groceries and had lunch once back at camp.

After lunch we all went back to the harbour to spend the day swimming at the wave pool.

Late in the day we went back to camp and had a barby for tea, packed up a bit of gear and watched movies for the rest of the night.


  1. Shirley there must be more

  2. Hi there Yes there is a lot more yet, just havent found the time to complete it. Wont be long. Oh and my names not Shirley ;)

  3. Happy to see there are alot more to come, no pressure we will wait. I will let you in on a little secret my name is not anonymous :)
