Saturday 13 July 2013

Day 8 OLGAS Tassie to Darwin

Today was to be our last day in this area so we were off to the Olgas for the day. We were going to stay another night but we felt once we have spent a full day at the Olgas we didnt really want to do a lot more out here.

So once again we left camp reasonably early armed with our walking shoes and a cut lunch and drove all the way to the other rocks!

Our first walk of the day was the Valley of Winds walk and wow it was windy for the first part but the scenery is very spectacular. Ill again allow the photos to do most of the talking.

A short while into the walk you get to the first look out.

Then its off through the valleys for the rest of the walk.

 Not everything is beautiful, this algae is pretty horrible!

But everything else is quite spectacular 

 Once around the other side you are rewarded with a view that only being there can capture its true awesomeness ;)

 The valley of winds walk was a pretty tough one, especially in the heat but well worth it.

We then drove around the other side of the Olgas, had lunch and started the Gorge walk.

 As we left and grabbed a couple of last photos of the Olgas on the way out I couldnt help but think they were even more spectacular than Uluru. Well they were far more interesting for me, maybe equally spectacular as Uluru but different, very different.

We went back to camp for a while then grabbed groceries to keep us going for a few more days and took some photos of the Camels getting ready to take people for a ride.

We ate healthy again and this time had roast spuds with bacon, cheese, coleslaw and sour cream for tea ;)
We spent a bit of time packing things up that were no longer required so we were a little more organised for the following morning when we leave. 
Im certain Uluru and the Olgas will be something we will all remember forever.


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